Friday, September 23, 2005

Watch Your Fucking Mouth Tony

It’s on or about the 6 month count down to marking time waiting for season 6 of the Sopranos. Until this happens, there’s no point in even having a television set and after the series is over, there’s no point in keeping your television set. Last spring the Toronto Star ran an editorial of the filming of the sixth season, doing interviews and giving a play by play of the cast and producers.

The Star stated that the initial filming was immediately followed by a censored filming of each of the 13 episodes. Put in layman’s terms: They film the episode, then go back and film James Gondolfini saying thing’s like “ I want his stupid-head family dead” instead of “I want his mother fucking family dead”, and things of that nature.

I don’t even know where to begin pointing out all the things I find seriously wrong with that pathology. I want to be a fly on the wall of the people that these censored episodes are filmed for. I want to see the true faces of hypocrites. The mere fact that anyone can be so hopelessly stupid could watch a show that’s as complex and multi-layered like the Sopranos and not be bothered by the show’s content of pure violence, but then be offended by hearing profanity creates a whole new level of moron that even the Mental Health community did not see coming.

Someone really has to explain this one to me because I’m drawing a cipher here. People have to be saying to themselves “I will watch Tony’s crew kill and chop up people into pieces on a butcher’s block or in a bathtub with a hand saw and slip in a pool of blood while trying to put the pieces of that person in a glad kitchen catcher, and watch them throw the bags in the trunk of Chris’ car and then watch them take the garbage bags of body parts out of the car and throw them in landfill site, where three episodes later they have to pull them out of the landfill site and smash all the bones with sledge hammers, but I absolutely will not tolerate to hear the word cunt”

I’m not sure whether it’s my inability or just outright refusal to even remotely try to understand the mentality of people who are so offended by profanity yet seem to have no problem with violence. They should all just buy a shirt that says “Hypocrites R US” and get it over with. What’s the point of watching the series if it’s censored? How is it possible that people can draw such a ridiculous line in the sand?

For those who are offended by the language in the series, watch the Golden Girls or the Bill Cosby show, don’t be a hypocrite and watch a censored version of a series that is perfect in it’s original format.


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