Friday, April 08, 2005

Curse of the Starving Class

So I was finally in a Costco the other day. After hearing everyone go on and on about it I finally thought it was time to see all I have been missing all these years

I had to be accompanied with someone with a Costco passport of course because the average Joe can not be permitted inside such a luxurious mercantile. When we passed by the pimply faced kid at the entrance and he waved us through my heart was pounding with excitement with the sheer anticipation of grandeur.

The entire warehouse look was so impressive, including the piles of TVs all wrapped in saran wrap piled skid on top of skid that sort of resembled K2 but not to be outdone by the Mount Everest sized pile of Jeans and leather coats. People gathered around the piles and rooting for their sizes (hangers of courses being so gauche).

I have no idea what I was thinking by buying a box of 30 tampons when at Costco I could have been buying a box of 6,000 and save at least 10 cents per box. And why buy one loaf of fresh bread at a time when you can buy 88 loaves and freeze them for months, saving an entire nickel per loaf. I passed a woman who had a trolley (yes trolley)piled with roughly 25,000 roles of toilet paper. It’s such a brilliant idea this buying a lifetime supply of product so you never have to shop again. Where these idiots are going to keep all this shit is any body's guess but I imagine they can buy the resin Costco shed for $870 to store it all.

The entire place is peppered with girls in paper chef hats peddling samples of fine cuisine with shelf lives of 90 years and flocks of people around actually waiting for a tablespoon of something. I can’t imagine what these people do for a living that their time is so worthless to them to endure all this. The line up at the registers was at least 20 people long. I looked at my cart and couldn’t see the significance of actually waiting in a line for 2 hours long to purchase the crap that was in there. So I just left my 120 tubes of toothpaste family pack of 50,000 ribbed Durex condoms between customer number 23 and 25 and walked out of the store.

Of course I had to wait at the exit for the Gestapo to check to see that I wasn’t trying to pull a fast one as he was checking everyone. I started sweating at the possible cavity search that I thought they may conduct if you have no obvious purchase but I got out unscathed.

Kudos to the guy that came up with this marketing strategy where he knew that the general population was enough of a mental midget to buy into this shit, then have the balls to actually charge an annual fee for the privilege of shopping there. How the public at large have been swindled into a scam of paying a membership fee to be bequeathed the honour of giving a company their money scares the shit out of me, considering when you know that these same people are allowed to vote and drive cars. My hat’s off to this master marketer and his Costco Regime, as no doubt he could sell sand to Arabs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man, you are such a cunt. I think I'm in love

6:47 PM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

before you pledge your love, understand that you were mentioned in there at least three times in the stealthest of ways.

9:10 AM  
Blogger david w. said...

So you're the one that left those 50,000 condoms next to the Enquirer and Star. I purchased them. It was an impulse buy. So the next time I get an "impulse", i'll be ready. 50,000 times.

7:27 PM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

I feeling like an optimist that weekend mr wayne.

9:03 PM  
Blogger david w. said...

Optimist, or not, who cares? My 50,000 "impulses" will be while I'm all alone. Break out the Vaseline.

3:38 PM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

well then by all means David, fuck safe sex.

4:17 PM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

So this is where you live...

Clicked on your blogger name.

It took me a while; I'm not very blog savvy, being quite new to it, and of course, not educated whatsoever;) .

I don't even have any pictures, yet. But soon. I'm more into brain candy, though.

Your site is....nice.
Disturbing somewhat.
Kind of dark, but nice.

Come back and visit any time. I will be visiting you, although I might need some therapy after visiting here.

I will be sharing your site with close friends, maybe even post a link (if it's ok with you)... I need to see more, first.

Enjoying your work, and praying for you (it can't hurt you if it's not real, right?).
Sincerely, and respectfully,


7:37 AM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

CUG, mi casa, su casa. Your friends I think already paid me a visit. We're at complete opposite ends of any topic that presents itself. You can pray for me if you wish, I've always concidered myself to be God's loyal oponent and so far he's been pretty cool with it. I love your site, it's so foreign to me. Cheers bello.

9:37 AM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

And whom, pray tell, are my friends.
Were they friendly and open minded, I hope? If not, perhaps they are only mere acquaintances, or total strangers.

Certainly, my particular site may draw some fringe dwellers; perhaps the same might be said for your site.

There is a reason for spectrums...

By the way, I think we can concur that neither one of us likes dumbasses and/or obliviots.

I was once like you. Dark, a little pissed (maybe a lot). At least moderately intelligent. There may be more commonality here than you suspect.

You even said, “My hat’s off to this master marketer and his Costco Regime”. That sounds like an indirect approval of capitalism. HOORAY! CAPITALISM! (Sorry, I get excited by freedom sometimes).

By the way, when you say foreign, do you mean that in a European-raised, Canadian-living way? Or is it more in the way of concepts, opinions, and perception of the universe?

Will be watching for your next post.



12:06 PM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

By the way, please forgive my seemingly limitless ignorance, but is bello a good thing or a bad thing?

12:13 PM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

When I say foreign I mean born and raised in Switzerland with a very dago background. Bello means handsome in intalian but used with the same emphasis that someone uses the term 'babe' here.
I can't attest to the fact that they were your friends, but they're right wingers at any rate. So I imagine they were your minions.
I don't concider myself dark in the least, I'm a skeptic of anything, be it UFOs Loch Ness Monsters or a greater being which you call god. It's not because anger or revolt that I feel this way rather than the presence of science and all the proof it encompasses, I always lean towards anything that gives the most rational explanation even at the cost of perishing in an eternal hell.
I'm as left wing as you can imagine, being a woman I can't possibly think any other way. Consersatives has a way of living in the past and I'm all for plowing onwards.
Pawn to King bishop three. it's your move

12:23 PM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

I'm right, and you're wrong. Ha-ha.

Check and mate!

D'OH! Dammit! I'm not that quick. Stooopid brain!

I will need time to formulate my move to counteract your EVIL...

Just kidding! Got to go to church to worhip my "false deity" (OOPS! Sorry Jesus...I had it in quotes!) More thunder rumbling...

I shall return once MOORE!

1:43 PM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

By the way, it would be kind of cool to have minions.

Will they go pick me up beer and ammo and stuff?

1:45 PM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

You haven't check mated me yet. We haven't even begun to battle.
I won't trample on your God, as that would be well....rude of me. And I don't want you having a bad image of Canadians at large eh.
Minions are the last bastien of luxury, never stop at beer and ammo, they can rub your feet shampoo your dog and return your overdue porn.

6:38 PM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

Uhhhh, did you say battle, or bottle?
I love beer in bottles, ya know.

Do Canadians really say eh, or is that just a stereotype? I like stereotypes that fit; they're cool. (Bastion is spelled with an "o" by the way).

I love Canadians, and I am glad that we, as a country, protect them.

I'm tired, but we shall do battle (unless it's bottle) after my nap. If it's battle, be forewarned, I have ninja-throwing-stars, and saw them used in a cheesy movie, once.

Plus, I don't rent porn...uh, anymore.
However, my dogs (a Husky and a Chow-Chow, both very pretty) are kind of dirty.
When are these minions going to show up, anyway?

Stupid late minions!!



8:35 PM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

we only say eh when our dog sled teams are unruley making us late for work.
Personally, I think, it's in your best interest to protect us, better a bunch of canucks at your border than what ever force would feel inclined to invade us.
Our six man mortar platoon is on it's last leg, and I think we once had a hand grenade, but rumour has it that someone lost it.
Did you stop renting porn because of Jesus, or because it's cheaper to just download it? Im just curious.
Thanks CUG, for correcting my spelling (again), you're always so sweet.

4:10 AM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

You may be on to something with that "in your best interest"...

See ya.

8:13 AM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

When are you going to have a new post?
I guess you can't rush quality, eh?
Soon, I hope...

8:33 AM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

Re: Chess Move

"Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind." (Albert Einstein)
Check out this link:

It’s is about a world famous scientist/atheist that finally concluded he was wrong, somewhat.
Of course it won't change your mind…
However, can this all be random?

A long time ago, my physics and electronics classes convinced me there was something greater than man out there (no offense intended with the word man, by the way). I was an atheist before that. It’s just to ordered and too cool to be chance. There is a blueprint for the universe, drawn by someone higher up than my drafting and CAD teachers.

That still wasn't enough. But after a while, you see things... like your kids, and your life.

You will note, this former atheist/scientist in no way subscribes to the Father/old man in the sky/allah/buddah stuff (he's a deist).

However, he concludes that the universe and life itself cannot be an accidental. I would concur.

Admittedly, I thought I had the WHOLE universe figured out, at one time. I'm a fairly sharp guy. Arrogant? Perhaps. No...for sure. But the longer I am around, the more I learn, and the more I learn how much I do not know.

Can beauty, and love, and great good and unfathomable evil be chance? Look up in your clear Canuk sky, and see if it doesn’t make you feel just a little bit small. (I hope our American pollution isn’t blocking your view.)

My ignorance is profound, indeed. But, I'm working on it.
Do you have the whole universe figured out, too?

Knight to Queen Bishop 3.


Respectfully, of course,


5:36 PM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

While I can't refute the plausibility of a some great entitiy, it is the God of the Holy Bible that I refute.
God as depicted in the Bible is jealous, insecure and vengeful while professing love to his 'children'. I can't imagine any diety of that magnitude lacking the self assurance as to make him ask for human and animal sacrifice in order to have devotion proved to him.
What God would give man senses and capacity for rational thougth, then seat himself at the opositie end defying man to question his existance? God is AWOL GUG.
An inner voice in my head is not God, it's an idea and a thought. Looking for signs from god is a lesson in futility as I can never be sure that my toaster going on the fritz is a message from god or just a piece of shit toaster. Or can it be God telling me I bought a piece of shit toaster.
I understand that your belief is that there will be a day of judgement at the end of all this, and those who have proven loyalty will be rewarded in a Heaven somewhere. To me that is a very human idea, a bronze aged belief brought about by a suffering people during help them endure their suffering. All things in the bible are very much human fabrications within their own spectrum.
God has always turned a blind eye where murder and mayhem are concerned even incest and child abuse, yet God of the Bible can't tolorate homosexuality or shellfish. Is this really a god fit for worship?
queen to king's rook 4

7:45 PM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

Sometimes a toaster is just a toaster.

Did Freud say that?

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You two really oughta get a room. You're lagging freudz, did that poignant brain of yours run out of material?

3:29 AM  

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