Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Assume the Missionary Position

It’s my favorite time of the day again. It’s that time that we have come to know as ‘speaking ill of the dead’. The hard part of this, of course, is picking which dead people to fuck over. The overtly evil people are never as much fun as the covertly evil people. Covertly evil people who successfully scam people out of hundreds of millions of dollars are my personal favorite.

When it comes to fucking over their fellow human beings, no one deserves the prize more than Mother Teresa. In the 60 years that hag ran her campaign for those “suffering and dying” is wasn’t clear to anyone that her plan was to keep them suffering and dying. Her undisclosed income from donations, estimated to be in the hundreds of millions, was largely collected from working class people who seem to be the only ones in this scenario who had any good will.

What she didn’t plunk into the Vatican Bank, she used to erect convents of her order where she taught other nuns to keep people suffering and poor. It is my belief that if nuns got laid every once in a while, they’d be less prone to this level of twisted behavior and ideology because it’s pretty hard to tell the difference between missionary work and BDSM these days .

One would think that at one point the world would question why the level of squalor that the poor and suffering had to endure in Calcutta did not diminish from the day she took her post to the day she bought the farm, especially when she had the financial means to make a difference in their lives. After 60 years, the sick and suffering people of Calcutta were still squatting over the same broken down cots in the same shit-hole with the same primitive means of medicine. Left to her devices she would have reintroduced ‘blood letting’ as a way to save them

Had she handed out condoms to curb the population and AIDs explosion, this sadistic dungeon-master would have been of some use, but she regretfully failed to provide the simplest solution to ease the suffering of the poor .

Her fucked up reasoning for withholding monies to help the people of Calcutta was due to her medieval mentality that “god would provide”. I suppose he did, by means of donations to some ineffective incompetent bitch who hoarded all the money.

"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day;
Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

o.k. I'll admit it, sometimes you scare the shit out of me.

3:27 PM  
Blogger echotig said...

wow...she sounds just like a Democrat.

4:36 AM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

When I want your opinion, I'll simply watch the Rush Limbaugh show.

5:34 AM  
Blogger echotig said...

so clever!

3:03 PM  
Blogger echotig said...

Wait!! You said "watch" his show? You're a subscriber to Limbaugh 24/7? Awesome!

3:36 PM  
Blogger sandy said...

Did the word "democrat" hit a nerve?

I have to say I do think she's right about the sister and most charities such as "feed the children" etc.

If they were doing any good, everybody (or most) would be well fed and healthy.

6:56 PM  
Blogger J. Lamb said...

You accuse Rush Limbaugh of distorting facts (lying), but then you write this. I have been in India when Mother Teresa was still alive and working. As the head of her order, she still bathed the sick with her own hands, worked in the hospital, visited and fed many people. Her order has taught the poor about healthcare and the need for "safety in physical relations" (sex). As a devout Catholic, she was disallowed from distributing condoms, or she certainly would have. This "evil" woman provided food and free medical care for thousands. Check you facts.

9:44 AM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

It is a proven fact, backed by evidence that Mother Teresa had amassed enough money to help these people beyond sponge baths and feed them enough to maintain the distended bellies. The money was donated to her to help them, not build convents which she erected hundreds of during her "reign of Samaritan". This news is hardly new.

She herself, when sick, went to L.A. for medical attention, if you were there, no doubt you saw her board the aircraft.

I along with family and friends gave to Noel Foundation for years. Our money now sits in the Vatican Bank.

10:49 AM  

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