Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Quaking the Quaker State

US District Judge John Jones concluded in a 139 page decision that Intelligent Design is not Science. Welcome to the 21st Century ladies and Gentlemen, where the earth is no longer flat and witches do not weigh the same as a duck.

In 2004, people of Pennsylvania wanted to maintain an alternative theory to Charles Darwin’s solid and universally accepted theory that evolution develops through natural selection. They are however not giving up without a fight and have debased themselves by arguing that evolution cannot fully explain the existence of complex life forms. So complex are these life forms that in their view they could only exist by a deity breathing life into a clump of dirt and tearing a rib out of a man’s chest to make a mate. This explanation is by far more plausible than the physical existence of intermediate life forms found in the earth’s crust showing the genetic change of billions of creatures throughout millions of years.

Pennsylvania will soon find the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy stricken from the school curriculum in the very near future as well, but change takes time and the citizens are not yet ready to endure another blow to their belief system.


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