Thursday, December 08, 2005


Alright, so I got dragged into a store called Men are from Mars last night. They really should see about changing the name of the store to Men Have No Taste or Men Live in a Trailer Park because that’s pretty much what the merchandise suggested. The mental midget who started the shop got the name from the lamest book ever written by John Gray, the biggest idiot ever to walk in an upright position and pretends to own anything remotely resembling a degree, so you gotta know you’re in for some pretty classy shit.

For those looking for that hard to please male on their Christmas list, Men are from Mars carries the largest assortment of cheesy laminated plaques supporting every sports team known to man. And for those men who have decorated their home in Early Harley Davidson Colonial there’s something for him as well not to mention their extensive Star Trek line. Did someone say beer coasters?

How did everyone get such bad taste all of a sudden? It does't end with men ether, what the fuck is up with all these women wearing running shoes with chandelier earrings? As far as that goes, wearing running shoes for anything other than running is pretty cheesy. No matter where you go though, it’s racks and racks of chandelier earrings. I would personally love to know where all these people are wearing all these chandelier earrings to.

So Bad Taste, we all know someone who has it and as far as I know there is no known cure even though science has made some tremendous brakethroughs it still has miles to go before they can eradicate it for ever. If you or anyone you love show signs of attraction to the following things, chances are they are suffering from advanced stages of poor taste:

Country Music
Salvador Dali
Soccer Moms
Mini Vans
Chicken Soup For the Anything
Fiber Optic Christmas Trees
Chinese Buffet
Fake Tans
Almost anything purchased from an Asian
Heavy Metal
Knock off “Anything”
Cut out Lawn ornaments
All Dressed Pizza
Mel Gibson
Reality TV
Costco Membership
Processed Cheese
Dream Catchers

The obvious symptoms are to numerous to list, but this should be a fair indication as to whether you or anyone you know are suffering.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jesus, I've been sitting on my Tylosand with my feet up on the trotsig checking this site at least twice day waiting and waiting for you to post something and when you finally do, you slam me you fucking bitch.

4:24 PM  
Blogger freudz wet dream said...

where are you going with this IKEA boy....?

4:28 PM  
Blogger The Conservative UAW Guy said...

I must take issue with the heavy metal (at least the old stuff), however, Nickelback and dreamcatchers are totally gay.

Nice to see you back.
And my, aren't we prolific after the extended hiatus?

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving (American and Canadian, both)?

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Movie "Heavy Metal" too? *hangs head in shame*

4:50 AM  

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